Why more companies are outsourcing ‘Software Testing’

What Is Software Testing

Software testing, as an integral part of the software development life cycle, entails the testing of software products and services in order to free them from any errors, bugs, and flaws. However, testing software isn’t just about ascertaining whether a product works as expected in a lab. Several types of testing are required to provide the best user experience possible –

  • Functional Testing involves checking the software to ensure that all required functionality works as specified in the design documentation.
  • Regression testing helps ensure that new code works well with pre-existing code.
  • User experience testing aims to assess how users perceive the software.
  • Performance and load testing involves checking the software and hardware throughout the system to see if it is capable of handling real-world loads.
  • Application security testing identifies known vulnerabilities in code before it goes into production, where it can be compromised by attackers.

Need For Comprehensive Testing

In order for businesses to achieve software development ROI, multiple types of software testing have to be coordinated and managed in order to deliver an end product that makes users happy and keeps customers returning.

Business leaders often push for faster deployment of new software to gain a competitive advantage, but the presence of bugs and issues can also cost business opportunities. Developing a fully-rounded, stably functioning, secure software product takes an investment of time, people, and technology to implement comprehensive testing practices. It’s tempting to skip software testing, but if software development firms wish to avoid –

  • disgruntled users,
  • the negative social media they can generate, and lost business opportunities,
  • then software testing is a worthwhile investment.

Advantages Of Outsourcing

The outsourced software testing services market, which was valued at $24 million in 2020, is projected to reach a whopping $34 million by 2030. The following are the reasons for this dramatic growth –

  • Cost-Effectiveness

Outsourcing has proven to be a highly cost-effective solution for many organizations, regardless of size or industry. It turns out that they save more when they pay a fixed cost for certain services on a contract basis than when they hire new employees.

  • Testing From A Point Of Neutrality

Software testing must remain impartial and unbiased to be valid. It is therefore essential that companies entrust this process to a completely distinct entity, such as an outsourced software testing services partner, in order to ensure total objectivity.

  • Time-Effectiveness

Another common problem with in-house software development teams is that also handling testing just adds another item to their to-do lists. This means that when they are not rewriting code or modifying the programming software, they are performing quality assurance.

What To Look For In Vendors

Assessing outsourced partners is often a challenging undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. Informed with the evaluation standards highlighted below, business leaders can choose a software testing partner that best suits their organization’s goals.

  • Carrying Out Due Diligence On Potential Partners

Many vendors tend to over-promise before they get their clients locked into a deal. They entice organizations with attractive pricing and the assurance of high quality, only to then underdeliver from the start of the relationship. In order to avoid sub-par service delivery and missed deadlines, business leaders should make a detailed list of questions to ask their vendors. For instance –

  • Do you intend on completing the testing using only your internal resources?
    • Or do you intend on outsourcing this task (either in part or in its entirety) to another company?

Both approaches are capable of adding value, but the key is to be aware of the logistics behind the scenes and work out the development schedule accordingly.

  • Niche-Specific Know-How

Bringing in testers who have no prior experience in a specific vertical market can significantly delay testing and release for an organization. But hiring a team of software testers who have unflinching insight into the specific idiosyncrasies of its business environment will boost efficiency and ensure that business-critical systems receive the testing priority the organization deserves.

  • Going For A Region That’s Recognized As A Hub For Outsourced Sourced Testing

Competitive software testing rates often hinge on lower labor costs in emerging markets. As globalization has heightened business standards everywhere, even in remote areas, selecting a supplier from such a region can lead to logistical issues such as visas, logistical challenges, and inexperience with local business cultures. This can hamper expectations and end up costing an organization more time and commitment than the attractive rate they originally signed up for. Opting for a partner in a region that’s recognized for being a hub for outsourced software testing the world over is vital.

  • Rates That Are To Be Too Good To Be True Are A Red Flag

Offshore suppliers are springing up everywhere, reducing costs for businesses and enabling investments in important revenue streams, such as products and marketing. But if a firm quotes a price that seems to be too good to be true for offshore testing resources, that’s something to be wary about. Real professionals charge a lot more. In this scenario, it is necessary to test all essential business systems; if not carefully vetted by experts, there is a great risk of weakening the quality of the release and eroding the long-term customer base.

  • Reputation Matters

Business leaders should find out what industry players are saying about a potential outsourced software testing vendor.

  • What do their past and existing clientele have to say about them?
    • Do they have any industry accreditations?

Their reputation in the industry matters, and it has never been easier to peek behind the curtain to find out the true status of an organization. Whether an organization decides to go with a rising software testing firm or an established one, it’s best to first ask around and read the fine print before taking a call.

  • Defining Clear-Cut SLAs

A comprehensive SLA will not only protect a business from potential scammers but will also provide a comprehensive summary of project specifications and timelines for each testing phase. This will reduce ambiguity in each task that needs to be completed. Another purpose of the SLA is to write guidelines and protocols in case of problems that may arise during the different testing phases. It guarantees that all stakeholders are prepared in advance and that no one acts on an ad hoc basis throughout the management process.

  • Flawless Communication

As mentioned previously, an increasing number of software testing partners are located in developing countries, which can hinder collaboration owing to distances and differences in time zones. Business leaders should get to know beforehand how a potential software testing vendor plans on staying connected with diverse teams scattered in different parts of the globe.

  • What communication platforms does the company use?
    • How fast is feedback internalized when bottlenecks occur?

Miscommunication can adversely impact productivity and create a culture of segregation unless management uses the right technology and processes to avoid it.

Discovering and partnering with an outsourced software testing partner that outperforms is not without challenges. Additionally, cementing a partnership can seem overwhelming given the number of vendors that are out there. An informed decision requires a little more dedication than simply selecting a team that just passes or fails test cases and submits reports on discrepencies and loopholes.

An ideal outsourced software testing partner should be viewed as an extension of one’s own organization and its ongoing promise to generate lasting value for customers. Taking into consideration all the above criteria will certainly help with picking the best software testing firm to partner with that will serve as a long-term strategic partner that shares the same goals and ambitions, to partner with.