Why Olive?

Our Differentiators

Human Centered Design

Our UI/UX philosophy is
centered on creating rich &holistic experience and meaningful human interaction

Quick Start

Spin up a team in 4-6 weeks

Our extensive database of IT professionals enables us to resource your project in 4-6

Olive Methodology

Our three legged stool model named “Olive Methodology” addresses your concern through specification, communication and documentation. 

Speed to Market

Leverage opposite time zones

The nearly 12 hour time difference between US and India facilitates round the clock
project implementation. 


Proven Experience for 26 years

Continuous improvements to our systems and processes over the past 26 years
ensures guaranteed delivery

Cost Savings

Utilize India based talent

Relatively lower wages of our India-based staff reduces our operational costs which
we pass on to you as cost savings

Our Differentiators

Human Centered Design

Build User-Friendly Systems

Our UI/UX philosophy is centered on creating rich holistic experiences

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Olive Methodology

Our Reliable Process

Our 3 legged stool model named Olive Methodology  addresses your concerns

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Proven Experience of 26 years

Continuous improvements to our systems and processes over the past 26 years
ensures guaranteed delivery

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Quick Start

Spin up a team in 4-6 weeks

Our extensive database of IT professionals enables us to resource your project in 4-6 weeks

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Speed to Market

Leverage opposite time zones

The nearly 12 hour time difference between US and India facilitates round the clock
project implementation

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Cost Savings

Utilize India-based talent

Relatively lower wages of our India-based staff reduces our operational costs which we pass on to you as cost savings

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Our Unique Process And Methodology

Joseph Vijayam

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Our Access To Superior Talent

Ravi Surathu

Director of HR and Operations

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Play Video about ravi_thumbnail

Our Access To Superior Talent

Ravi Surathu

Director of HR and Operations

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Our Commitment For Meeting Your Needs

Hari Gopinathan

Software Quality Manager
& Sr Business Analyst