Cloud Services
Cloud Solutions
Olive Technology’s cloud consulting services can help companies find the right hybrid cloud mix that can transform their IT departments into valuable change agents for innovation and growth.
Cloud Computing
Cloud technology is one of the biggest changes modern businesses face, providing agility, scalability, and favorable economics. But integrating private clouds, public clouds, and legacy computing environments can be daunting.
With an unbiased approach developed through numerous worldwide cloud transformation projects, Olive Technology’s cloud technology experts help organizations stay ahead of the curve on how best to optimize their environments and unlock the potential of their people. Our cloud expertise helps businesses fully leverage the scalability and efficiency of the cloud both strategically and profitably.
Move your entire enterprise applications, enterprise data, and intranet sites and storage data to Cloud with pay-as-you-go computing, storage, and IT resources services and choose from a gamut of services tailored to your unique business needs.
Case Study
CMS & Salesforce Integration for Non-Profit
Integrating Salesforce CRM to for Inventory Management, Manual Order Management, Donation Management and automate all the processes.
Cloud Solutions Service Offerings
Olive Technology’s cloud technology experts help organizations stay ahead of the curve on how best to optimize their environments.
Cloud Strategy & Architecture
We help organizations create unifying target cloud solution architectures for their hybrid and multi-cloud needs. We help minimize risk by dividing workloads and data across resilient cloud platforms, reducing downtime, and implement streamlined recovery plans. Our expert cloud strategists at Olive Technology also devise customized plans that incorporate infrastructure and platform strategy, increased security and cyber resilience, and management models.
Cloud Migration
At Olive Technology, we replicate, test, and migrate workloads with the click of a button. All of this is handled by our dedicated cloud migration teams, led by our experienced project managers. If we’re required to move physical racks or servers, we bring our knowledge of transportation, security, insurance, and everything in between to the fore. How we get from point A to B is fundamental to a successful cloud migration. This is where our short-term connectivity options make travel painless.
Cloud Modernization
To manage profitability in ever-changing market environments, businesses have got to maintain agility. It lets them tie their costs to actual service usage, on the one hand, and gives them the ability to deliver features and fixes extremely quickly, on the other. That’s why application modernization is just one step in their cloud journey, but a very important one. In order to be better aligned with the new cloud environment, we help businesses customize and modernize their cloud applications.
Cloud Managed Services
IT requires constant streamlining of management to simplify operations and alleviate mundane tasks. This is especially important in hybrid or multi-cloud IT environments, as multiple skills are required to manage these complex and diverse environments. Most organizations lack these skills in-house, and Olive Technology helps fill in this gap with proven cloud-managed services expertise. From managed storage to entire data centers, we cater to all on-premises, cloud, hybrid IT, and multi-cloud environments.